

How to fix broken powders without alcohol

Yes, we all drop our powders and they end up in little bits. We then google ways to fix your powder and the most common method is alcohol, most importantly rubbing alcohol. Yes, I have tried this way and it does indeed make my powders all smooth and pretty but the scent makes me not want to use the powders again. Use your every day reached for beauty product instead.

Instead of rubbing alcohol, use a toner that you are familiar with and doesn't irritate your skin. I normally reach for a hydrating toner that is not too thick in consistency and has hydrating abilities. I've previously used The Body Shop Hydrating Toner and used Protocol's Hydrating Collagen Toning Mist* in these photos.

So this is what you need in terms of tools to fix your powders:
- a food bag
- a makeup brush
- a pair of scissors
- a safety pin
- toner
With the smashed pieces of powder, I pour this into the food bag and use a makeup brush to get all the corners of the container. I then smash the pieces up into a fine powder and use my makeup barrel to smooth it out on the outside of the bag.

I then add a sufficient amount of toner inside the bag which then I mix using the barrel of the makeup brush or my fingers on the outside of the bag making sure there are no bits. This then creates a paste that shouldn't be too watery.

Once this is all done and you feel like there aren't any bits, I use the plastic bag like a piping bag, where I snip of the corner and squeeze the mixed product back into the original container.

I then gently tap the product on the table so any air bubbles come to the surface (just like getting air bubbles out when you bake macaroons) and move the product around lightly so it's all smooth and even.

If you feel like you still have some bits in your powder I use a safety pin and draw small circles in the powder so the mixture is consistent. I then let it set under room temperature, maybe for a day or two. Once it's all dried you have a smooth powder to use again that does not irritate your skin.

I have used this method many times for my smashed highlighters which are normally the ones that I smash the most often like my theBalm Mary-loumanizer (shown in these photos) and Becca Cosmetics Prosecco Pop. The consistency also stays the same if not even smoother.

Until next time!

Joyce x

P.s I would be the happiest girl if you follow me on;  BLOGLOVIN | TWITTER | PINTEREST | INSTAGRAM

*Products were sent to me but do not affect my opinion. (Please see disclaimer for more details)


  1. Ooh this is handy. I remember smashing my Mary Lou-Manizer but never thought it was all that fixable (it was in literal tiny pieces). Great tips x

    Lauren |

  2. Ahh this is such a handy tip!!

    1. so much better than using rubbing alcohol x

  3. This is so so useful - thank you for sharing this!

    Becca x / becc4

  4. Oh wow I never knew this! I used alcohol last time this happened to me. Definitely saving this for the future xx

    1. Alcohol works but it takes so long to get rid of the smell haha x

  5. This is really handy, I have a smashed Becca powder that I should do this with!

    Lucy | Forever September

  6. Omg this is so cool! I want to break a powder just to test this now haha xx

    Maiya |

  7. Well I never knew you could do that.

    This was a fascinating read, I will be sure to look this up should the need to arise. Plus, this actually looks quite fun. The child in me is all over it.

    Amy x
    The July Rose

    1. Haha. Who doesn't like muchsing up makeup? x


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