I've always in the back of my head knew I was eventually going to do it. And I have so many questions that I have asked myself:
- Have I left it too late?
- Am I going at the wrong time?
- Am I ready for this sort of change?
- Am I going to make it?
- What do I have to lose?
- Am I going to come back?
- What regrets will I have?
- Who will I miss?
- Am I ready to let go?
This has gone through my head many times and there are many more 'what if' questions. I've had many breakdowns over the past few months; booking my tickets, changing my dates, slowly decluttering. If you've been following me on my social media and noticed in my blog posts, I've been really trying to use up my products because I can't take everything with me. That includes doing blog sales and listing all the things that I deem I don't need on
eBay, Depop (username klau93) and the Mercari app (Joyce Lau).